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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Exclusive Interview with Kyle Shields

With the Thanksgiving Game coming up this Thursday, our own Willie Harris sat down with Football Captain and fellow teammate Kyle Shields. He asked Kyle a couple of questions about the season, the upcoming game, and college football. (Interview Conducted on 11/22/11)

How do you feel knowing that this is your last High School Football Game?
"It really flew by. It's crazy. It just felt like it was freshmen year, now here I am, a Senior playing my last High School Game. Hopefully we can go out and get the Win."

How do you think the season went?
"Disappointing to an extent. It was good because we've had a winning season (6-4) and everyone wants a winning season. But we all had a different outcome in mind. In all our games we played well, we just didn't execute when we needed to."

As this years captain, what's your advice for next years captains?
"We went through the season without having any problems which is good. A couple years before we had major problems. So my advice for next years captains is to just keep everyone in line. Make sure they keep everyone on track. If they see someone slacking off, help them out. Also, hit the weight room and do everything you can to make each other better."

What are you plans after the football season?
"I'm going to take the winter season off. I play baseball in the spring. Next year, i'll be playing football in college. "

This interview (which was conducted two days before the game) shows Kyle's determination to win going into his last high school game. As we now know, the Devils won in exciting fashion with three touchdowns from Kyle. He also reached the 1,000 yard mark for the season and 3,000 yard's for his career. From us at the BHS Athletics Blog, congratulations on your accomplishments and good luck in the future!

        (Willie Harris & Kyle Shields)
        (Tuesday, November 22, 2011)

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